Long stretches in his prisons'law libraries left him more familiar with the Byzantine rules of America's federal prison system than most wardens. 由于长期待在监狱图书馆,他比大多数罪犯们都懂美国政府监狱系统的拜占庭式的法规。
In accordance with prison rules and decrees, the handful of prisoners who are serious violators of prison regulations or codes of conduct or who resist reform or commit another crime are punished. 对少数严重违犯监规纪律,抗拒改造的罪犯或又犯罪的罪犯,按照监管法规,要予以处罚。
The third chapter is the security prisoner in religious place some of the thinking, try from the basic principle, legal protection and the detailed rules for the implementation of in prison in three aspects of religion in the current system in supplement and improvement. 第三章是对保障被判刑人宗教处遇的一些思考,尝试从基本原则、法律保障和狱内实施细则三个方面对现行宗教处遇制度进行补充和改善。
Speaking from five aspects: the prison officials, setting standards for the appointment of prison officers, prison guards trained by the rules, the training of prison officials, prison officials pay rules and implementation. 主要从五个方面讲:监狱官员的设置,监狱官员的任用标准,监所看守训练规则,监狱官员的训练,监狱官员薪资规则与实施情况。